Our educational system is failing students. Lack of resources and opportunities translates into missed potential and underperformance, especially for those with social and economic disadvantages. Decades and decades of a neglectful system have formed a status quo that ignores student needs on an individual level. With little opportunity, many students and their families are trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty.
Simply put, our schools need more money. With increased investment, vital programs will no longer need to be cut to keep the doors open. In fact, more programs can thrive — from science to the arts — so every student can develop their passions. More teachers can be hired so every student receives the attention they deserve in the classroom.
And that’s just the start. By addressing the lack of investment in our schools through educational finance reform, every student will get the opportunities they need to build the life they envision for themselves.

We develop solutions to address current issues, coordinating with other stakeholders to generate support for policies to better serve the needs of socially, economically, and educationally disadvantaged students.
Over the years, we’ve worked diligently to close the funding gap between the highest and lowest funded districts, urging lawmakers to think about differentiated funding to address the unique needs of students.
The Alliance has been especially active in school restructuring, finance, and education reform efforts — all key areas that will determine a better future for students.
Numerous Alliance school district representatives and Alliance staff serve on state policy committees and advisory groups, which affords us direct input into state-level decision making.

September 7, 2022
Holland Public Schools teacher Bill Boerman was named a Regional Teacher of the Year by the Michigan Department of Education and is a finalist for the state’s top teacher award.